What is the goal that financial managers are tasked with chegg? (2024)

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What is the goal that financial managers are tasked with chegg?

The goal that financial managers are tasked with is to maximize the market value of the company.

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What is the goal that financial managers are tasked with?

The main goal of the financial manager is to maximize the value of the firm to its owners. The value of a publicly owned corporation is measured by the share price of its stock.

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What is the primary goal of a financial manager?

Typically, the primary goal of financial management is profit maximization. Profit maximization is the process of assessing and utilizing available resources to their fullest potential to maximize profits.

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What is the main responsibility of a financial manager?

Financial managers perform data analysis and advise senior managers on profit-maximizing ideas. Financial managers are responsible for the financial health of an organization. They create financial reports, direct investment activities, and develop plans for the long-term financial goals of their organization.

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How does the financial manager help in achieving the goal of an organization?

Financial managers are responsible for the financial health of an organization. They produce financial reports, direct investment activities, and develop strategies and plans for the long-term financial goals of their organization.

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What is the goal that financial managers are tasked with quizlet?

The goal of a financial manager is to maximize the wealth of the shareholders (they implement this by maximizing the value of the company's assets). It is the correct goal because shareholders are the owners of the firm.

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What is the goal of financial management quizlet?

The primary goal of financial management is to maximize the current value of the existing stock. Any management action that is contrary to this goal would be an acceptable answer.

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What are the key goals that guide the decisions of financial managers?

Common goals of financial management
  • Maximize current value. The financial manager or managerial team works to maintain the highest value possible for the company's assets. ...
  • Maintain growth. ...
  • Maximize profit. ...
  • Minimize cost. ...
  • Avoid bankruptcy. ...
  • Controlling. ...
  • Reporting. ...
  • Planning.
Mar 10, 2023

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What are the 3 basic functions of a finance manager?

The three basic functions of a finance manager are as follows:
  • Investment decisions.
  • Financial decisions.
  • Dividend decisions.

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What are the three key financial managers in an organization and their major responsibilities?

Risk Managers: Identify and manage company's financial risk. Credit Managers: Oversee firm's issuance of credit. They set credit-rating criteria, determine credit ceilings, and monitor the collections of past-due accounts. Treasurer or Finance Officers: Direct company's budget to meet its financial goals.

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What is the most important duty of a financial manager quizlet?

1) The principal goal of the financial manager is to maximize the wealth of the stockholders. 2) It is generally not the duty of financial managers to ensure that a firm has the cash it needs for day-to-day transactions.

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What should be the primary goal of the financial manager of a corporation explain why this is appropriate?

The appropriate goal for the financial manager can thus be stated quite easily: The goal of financial management is to maximize the current value per share of the existing stock. The goal of maximizing the value of the stock avoids the problems associated with the different goals we listed earlier.

What is the goal that financial managers are tasked with chegg? (2024)
What is the goal of financial management and what issues do financial managers confront?

Objectives of Financial Management

Tracking liquidity and cash flow: Ensure the company has enough money on hand to meet its obligations. Ensuring compliance: Keep up with state, federal and industry-specific regulations.

What goal should always motivate the actions of the financial manager?

The ultimate goal of a financial manager is to maximize the shareholder's profits. Therefore, wealth maximization for the shareholders is what acts as a motivation for the firm's financial managers. A good financial manager aims at undertaking a project that will maximize the company's revenues and profits.

What kind of decisions do financial managers make?

There are three decisions that financial managers have to take: Investment Decision. Financing Decision and. Dividend Decision.

What is the most important goal of financial management Mcq?

The correct answer is Wealth maximization. Basic objective of financial management is Wealth maximization. It is concerned with optimal procurement as well as the usage of finance.

What is the primary goal of financial management most associated with choose the best answer?

The correct answer is b. maximize the current value per share . Financial managers are shareholder agents.

What are the three 3 categories of financial management goals?

The objectives or goals of financial management are:
  • Profit Maximization.
  • Wealth Maximization.
  • Return Maximization.

What is the financial manager's goal in selecting investment projects?

Answer and Explanation: The key goal that a financial manager should examine while selecting investment projects should be maximizing shareholders' value. This can be achieved by maximizing the value of an entity's assets.

What are the 4 purposes of finance?

Finance functions cover Investment (allocating funds to assets for growth), Dividend (deciding on profit distribution to shareholders), Financing (raising capital through equity or debt), and Liquidity (ensuring sufficient cash flow for operations).

What is the most important of the three financial management decisions?

The financial manager must decide on the organization's financing mix in the financing decision, which is a crucial decision. A financing Decision is concerned with the borrowing and allocating of funds required for the firm's investment decisions.

What is the most important type of decision that the financial manager makes?

Answer and Explanation: The correct answer is a. The financial manager's most important job is to make the firm's investment decisions. This, also known as capital budgeting, is the most important job for this type of manager.

Which of the following are elements in financial management decision?

The Four elements of Financial Management
  • Planning. Identify the steps that align with the association or individual objectives. ...
  • Controlling. Ensure each aspect of the association follows the established plan. ...
  • Organizing and directing. ...
  • Decision making.
Nov 15, 2023

Which of the following should be the ultimate goal of the financial manager?

The goal of financial management is to maximize shareholder wealth. For public companies this is the stock price, and for private companies this is the market value of the owners' equity. We'll discuss the drawbacks of other potential measures.

What goal should always motivate the actions of the firm's financial manager current market value share price of the equity?

What goal should always motivate the actions of the firm's financial manager? To maximize the current market value ( share price ) of the equity of the firm ( whether it's publicly traded or not ) .

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Author: Rubie Ullrich

Last Updated: 04/05/2024

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.